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Useful Apps and Websites 

This page contains apps and sites that my students and I use in our classroom on a weekly basis. I've shared the ways in which the apps have been integrated into my third grade curriculum. Hope you find them useful! Please feel free to share apps or other ways that you've used them in your class as well!  


After completing their biography writing projects, students were able to use this app to share the timelines. Students loved using this app as a way to show their learning and add pictures as well. 



We're new to this but thus far I know that it will be a great way to allow my students to interact in the whole group lessons through the integration of our class iPads and companion computers. There are various ways of assessment which they can participate in as we go through the lessons each day. 

Google Classroom 
Haiku Deck 

Students use this app as a way to document their learning while reading. We most recently used ths app as a way for students to share their knowledge of the main idea and detail of a passage they read. Students were able to airdrop their learning with each other and we discussed their findings. 


My students and I utilize Google Apps for Education on a daily basis. We use slides and docs for our daily lessons, to keep focused on meeting our daily goals. We also use Google docs for various assignments throughout the week in the classroom and computer lab. I love the capabilities that Drive offers us with unlimited sharing capabilities. The few students in my class who have devices at home are able to reach me at home as well. 

Each week during station time and computer lab time my students are able to use Google Classroom website and app to complete and share various assignments in all subject areas. They love the ability to share things instantly with me. I as a teacher love the app because I can quickly comment, and or grade and return their work to them with a few clicks. It is a wonderful new tool, and I'm excited for the future! 

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